It is virtually impossible to encapsulate the experience of becoming a mother into a single universal path. Matrescence, the technical name given to the psychological, emotional and physiological changes that a woman goes through as she becomes a mother, is an incredibly individual process and can even differ in the same woman from one pregnancy to another. Yet as a culture we set benchmarks for each stage and tell women what to expect at every turn. But what happens when that story deviates from that norm? Where do they find support and guidance when their story takes a less traveled path? How is the whole family affected by this experience? It was in an effort to answer all these questions that All The Unexpected was born. 

My daughter was born at 26 weeks after a pregnancy that saw early complications. Throughout the time I was expecting I scoured the internet for information and resources to answer the many questions that I had. I found it difficult to find information about a  pregnancy that was out of the ordinary. The same would be true during her 109 day stay in the NICU. And so it was out of an effort to save other families from the same stress and lack of information that this project was launched. 

All The Unexpected is a resource for families as they navigate the incredible, yet often daunting journey of parenthood. Launched as a podcast, ATU has grown into a multidisciplinary resource library and media production organization. We help families to feel guided, supported and generally less alone during what can be an isolating experience. Through community and a wealth of pooled knowledge we provide a resource for families to empower themselves and others. Thank you in advance for being a valued member of our community.

Kimberly M. Reyes
